I got back home this week, and this is first opportunity for me to post on this blog, so I hope that no one else has posted on this subject, as I haven’t had time to read everything single post or comment. I apologize in advance for any clashes in subject.

When I first started the book, I found it confusing that the author (the great-niece or nephew of Tita) called her real mother Mama, and called her great-grandmother Mama Elena, and yet her great-grandfather “Tita’s father”. I got quite confused, as I thought the previous mentioned Mama (p. 1) was the same person as Mama Elena.

As I kept on reading, I realized that they’re completely different people. Then I started to wonder why everyone called Elena “Mama”. Her name is never seen without that title, even when called by people who are not her children at all (a good example is that even the child of Esperanza calls her Mama Elena). It almost seems to be a regular title of respect or fear, like that of King Mark’s. But if it’s a title of respect, why would people call her Mama? The book said that Elena preferred to be called Mami, so shouldn’t Elena be called Mami Elena instead?

Another possibility is that Tita, the only one who called Elena “Mama”, called Elena with such a title, and her name for Elena just got passed down through the generations, and that’s why the author (who probably only knew Esperanza, who in turn probably only knew Tita well) calls her Mama Elena.

Any thoughts?